
Laura Duncan

Laura began meeting with friends and family, through ministry groups, and one on one sessions in 2013.  There was a dynamic response as each person found themselves transformed.  In only 2 years she has met with over a thousand clients, worldwide.  Her message is not just for the individual: she has spoken at business conferences, ministry schools, high schools, relationship groups, corporate leadership, and sex trafficking ministries.  Her message transcends cultures and belief systems; it brings healing to everyone willing to walk through the process.

By understanding the way the brain processes beauty and pain, Laura is able to empathetically teach individuals to nurture their inner self, guiding them to a place of strength and peace.  She utilizes positive emotional triggers, games, fun, aesthetics, and a “whole brain approach” to align the person with their personal beliefs.  Once she has established a connection to the place of pain, she teaches each person to react with love and empathy to the part they once considered bad or shameful.  What can seem a simple process breeds powerful results and a depth of freedom that can only be experienced to be understood.

Laura is passionate about the individual as well as the family dynamic.  She has met with many children and taught them early on to regard themselves as valuable.  This brings healing to the whole family and allows restoration and connection to flow through the generations.

Corporations have used her to walk their staff through processing their emotions.  This enables individuals to utilize better communication with one another and work out of a place of empathy both for themselves, their coworkers, and their clients.

As individuals find healing, they are able to walk through life as powerful and intentional.  No longer living from a place of reaction or fear, lives become transformed.  It is this process that has launched Laura Duncan Consulting and the very reason she is committed to each person learning to love themselves and live free.

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